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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Love? Pt. 1

We say we want a guy who is sweet and thoughtful...a guy who will take the time out of his day to say "Babe I miss you" or "Hope you are having a good day...", we say those things , those very simple things are what matter most. Yet and still, those are the men we find ourselves bored with.

 The ones we dismiss. Dismiss for a man who makes us an afterthought...why is that? Are we so fascinated by the challenge of turning a man into the "relationship type" and being "the one" who will be the priority instead of the afterthought that we are willing to miss the man who could possibly be "the one"? Do we even believe in that anymore?

Do we have "the one", the "love of my life"? Is that even a thought or are people so satisfied with the bare minimum of companionship that true and long lasting love has been irrelevant??

-- Sent from my Palm Prē

1 comment:

  1. I think apart of it is people are on a search for perfection and in fact NO ONE is perfect. When what they want comes along, they get scared and don't know how to react. The guy you describe is the perfect man, but to a lot of people, hurt, pain and rejection or being an after thought has become a comfort zone so when that man who is the real deal comes along, they don't know how to act or react so they get scared and push him away. Find something minor about him to complain about and get rid of him. And then go back to saying "I just can't find Mr.Right; the man who will do this, do that, hold me, comfort me, ..." It's a crazy ass cycle.
