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Friday, April 30, 2010

Did Yall Miss Me??

Hey Dolls! 
It's been forever right? I keep promising posts and people keep asking me where the hell they are! I'm has been MORE than hectic recently and I'm trying my best to keep up with it.

So for those who follow me on Facebook and Twitter (which shockingly is a good amount of ppl...thanks for the support! *muah*), you know that a few weeks ago I was in a really bad car accident. Yall know how you see those really HORRIBLE car accidents on television, you never really think things like that's all for dramatic effect? No. I believe that was the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my life. I posted the pictures of my car afterward and people were shocked that I made it out alive. Truth be told, so am I. I still  have flashbacks on a pretty daily basis but I'm grateful for my life and appreciative that God found it necessary to save me because there is NO reason I should have made it out that car alive other than the fact the He must have something meant for me to do that I've yet to accomplish. 

So enough with that! School is about to be over but I'm still on my grind full force. Just got this second gig at night....and I'm trying to switch into a temporary full-time position at the day gig, all that's still being worked out but I'm gonna get this money one way or another! 

I got alot of stuff on my mind that I wanna share with yall but give me time! Be patient with me, trust me it's gonna be good! 
Love ya much!

VIDEO PREMIERE: "Not Myself Tonight" - Christina Aguilera

So I get home tonight only to see the world that is Twitter going off about this new Christina Aguilera video for her single "Not Myself Tonight". Let me start by saying that I think this woman is one of the most innovative and amazingly talented artists of our generation. And I use the word artist at the highest level. HOWEVER, I am not too fond of this video. Something in me is saying it's...too much? I don' t know. The video has already been compared to something Lady Gaga would do, I don't see that. I think it's very reminiscent of Madonna in her early years. 

Christina is truly an icon in her own right and her creativity has always been off the chart but it was just too much for me. I will say that from album to album and from video to video you can see consistent progress. You definitely always see her pushing herself further and doing more, which I respect 100%. But I don't love the video. Simple as that. Maybe it'll grow on me, much like the song had to but I doubt it. 

But I love her and I respect her. I'm a major fan so with that being said..Check out the video below and let me know what you think!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So we all know after I saw Trey Songz in concert on New Years, I developed what some might say a slightly twisted obsession with him. I don't know...they may be right. At any rate, after seeing this man perform, there's no doubting or denying his talent and after watchinglast nights premiere of his MTV:UNPLUGGED show, my obsession is heightened. 

The singer performed a few of his biggest hits for a intimate audience. Accompanied by a full band, Trey did acoustic versions of some of the songs which clearly had the ladies (and myself) going crazy. Check out performances below. And be sure to watch his female background singer...she was going OFF during "Neighbors Know My Name"...I'm not saying he hit it..but it looked like homegirl was having flashbacks! 

(Credit: Scott Gries/MTV)

"Panty Droppa/Neigbors Know My Name"

Trey Songz - New Music - More Music Videos

"Invented Sex/Lets Get It On"

Trey Songz - New Music - More Music Videos

"I Need A Girl/Use Somebody"