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Sunday, September 13, 2009

You Get Back What You Put Out.....

This is the first post for this new blog I'm doing! Some of you might be familiar with the other blog I used to do on a regular basis over @ I wasn't really too happy with the limited amount of options I had. So I decided to try out this blogspot thing!

Anyway, for those who follow me on twitter (via @SilentStorm1106) , yall know that tonight a friend of mine called me with some relationship issues. Her dude said he's done with her....she's depressed...ya know...the typical bullshit. So being the good friend that I am, I cancelled my plans for the evening to go be by her side and try to console her. Now while I'm there, she's asking me why shit like this keeps happening to her. This is a woman who plays alot of games with men. I love her to death but thats the reality of the situation. She plays alot of games and she's toys with dudes because for whatever reason they allow for it. And instead of being real and upfront with ONE dude....let me repeat that ONE dude, she decides to have 2 and 3 on the side. For what? Because she likes to have the dude that kinda "controls" her and the dude who will be her flunkie.

Crazy as it sounds, that whole situation is pretty common. I dont know why women feel the need to have a man who wants to dominate shit. But that's besides the point. The issue with that is that those are the dudes who usually walk all over you and put you through hell because they are under the impression that it's okay and because you ALLOW it. That's not cool. So when she asked me why it keeps happening to her, I told her it was because she liked it. She enjoyed having dudes take advantage of her and control her and put her through the emotions because its the same shit she puts her "flunkies" through and she enjoys having someone put her in her place for a change. I told her it keeps happening because she keeps putting herself into the same predicaments with the same type of men while treating real GOOD men like shit. It's karma. Simple as that. How are you gonna treat other people like shit and wonder why it keeps happening to you? You know she had the nerve to get mad?!? YES! Got mad BUT then told me I was right...but was still mad because I said that was a fucked up way to live and she needed to get her shit together! Called me judgmental....But judgmental or not..
ITS TRUE! Who wants to go through the same things over and over and be hurt on a consistent basis? But until you start doing right by people and change some of your's gonna keep happening.

Maybe I wasn't the person to discuss love with tonight....I will say that. My love life isn't really the best right now, so maybe I kinda took my frustrations out on her. My situation is a bit different though. See I try to treat the dudes I deal with like I want them to treat me....I like to set the tone for the relationship early on. So i'm upfront and honest with them from the jump. No lying, no bullshit, no games. Now the guy I was dealing with, I did that with him. Tried my best to always be 100% with him. And when I felt things weren't going as they should, I addressed it. Y'all have seen the tweets and YouTube videos, so no need to recap. But long story short, we ended it and I soon realized that it was my fucked up mentality in regards to relationships that allowed me to kinda ruin what could've been a good thing and I will say I do regret it a lot. So I'm trying to pick up the pieces and mend what I can of that situation. With that being said, I wasn't in the mood to help someone with their relationship when my own is...well...gone. lol. So maybe I kinda snapped and was a bit judgmental, however, I was still right! My comments were valid.....I can't help that the truth is the truth.

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