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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where Do We Go From Here?

I usually get a bad wrap when it comes to my social skills. To many I come off as snobbish or anti-social. Which is not the case at all. I'm just very selective about the people I associate with. I hold myself to a certain standard and prefer to surround myself with those who are of that same standard.
Thankfully, I've been able to come across and befriend some of the most amazing people imaginable. People who are extremely intelligent and driven and who are sure to be very influential people in whatever they may do in their lifetime. Now, with that being said, late last night I posted a question asking all my tweet followers and facebook friends exactly how genuine a friendship is if you can go weeks without speaking over a petty disagreement or argument.

Obviously, the general answer was...not very genuine. Which upsets me a bit because I've been forced to ask myself that same question with a friend of mine. A very close friend of mine. Recently, we had a slight confrontation over something so silly and childish that the argument was over in a matter of like 10-20 seconds, if that. But because of that incident, we haven't spoken in about two weeks. Which is crazy to me because I have friends who I have argued with for hours and the next day we're close as ever again. And here it is someone who is supposed to be one of my "best friends" and we haven't spoken in weeks. The sadder thing is that we are forced to interact and see each other on a DAILY basis....I see this person every single day and since that incident there have been all of maybe 4 or 5 words spoken between the two of us. And I hate to say it but it's like neither one of us really care. Life is moving on and they seem to be fine with it and it's just my nature to not care when people aren't speaking to me. Anyone who knows me closely knows that. But really, what kinda of friendship is that? How do you call someone a friend if you can allow 20 seconds turn into two weeks of silence. But this is NOT the first time it's happened! I think this is the longest it's gone on for but it's happened before.

Usually, I'd be like okay whatever and move on with my day. But for some reason, it started to bother me a bit. Even though I'm one of the most stubborn people in this world, I decided in my own way I would try to warm things up between the two of us....invites to dinner...text messages....even minor things like commenting on facebook items. Just to kind of open the lines of communication, you know? Let it be known like "Okay....I'm over should be too...moving on"....but I received no type of response. So it's I just be like, that's it...our friendship is over and move on. Or try to further correct things?

I'm torn because I value friendship to a level higher than most. Without my friends, I know for a fact I wouldn't be even a percentage of the person that I am today. So when I feel like I'm losing a friend that means alot to mean, it's changes things a bit. My "don't give a..." persona slowly fades. So what would you guys do? Have you ever been in this type of situation? If so, let me know what happened......

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