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Friday, December 18, 2009

You Kinda SUCK....So Why Do I Want You?

Know your worth...
Don't sell yourself short...
Never settle for less than the best...

All those generic quotes we hear everyday. There's always someone telling you how much you're worth and how you deserve this and that but why is it so hard for you to believe it yourself? And even if you do believe it, why is it so hard to use that knowledge when we're in relationships?

Most people allow themselves to get so deep into relationships or the thought of being in love that they will tolerate a bunch of nonsense and inevitably downplay their own worth. I've done it. On many occasions. I won't even lie. There was a situation recently in which I was so into this dude that even though I wasn't getting a small fraction of what I wanted, needed, and DESERVED. I allowed myself to stay in that situation because of the possibility of being "loved". I was one of those people that swore I knew my worth and was confident and what I brought to the table. You STILL can't tell me another dude is capable of holding their place in a relationship like i can. However, I didn't think of that when I was dealing with this guy. I didn't think of how much more I could have been getting from someone else who would truly appreciate all that I bring forth and would respect me and treat me they way I deserve to be treated.

It baffles me. I don't understand how that happens at all. But I'm not shocked at how common it is. I see it everyday with friends of mine. Dealing with people who treat them like mere afterthoughts even though they (my friends) are giving their all to build a relationship. Why are we so willing to be someone's option...someones "Oh yeah...let me call them". Why do we settle for "Oh wassup..." when we could be getting "Hey Baby..." ?

And why is it so hard to move on from those people? Anyone who is honest with themselves and has been in that situation knows that its so hard to totally forget about someone who treated you like shit as opposed to someone who treated you well. Why?

It really took me reevaluating the situation before I was able to let it go. I had to step out and be like "I do all this to show you how much I wanna be with you and I get less than your bare minimum?"  How stupid does that sound?

So when I think about all those quotes, as corny as they sound, they are so true. It's so important to really have a clear understanding of your self-worth. As much as some people might want to find love, there are better ways to go about it than to tolerate someone who will not treat you as you are perfectly aware that you deserve.  Know exactly what you want and do not want. If you go into a situation, be honest about what you are looking for. If it's a relationship...Say That. If it's a friend...Say That. If it's sex...Say That. Be honest with them and allow them to be honest with you. If you wanna be in love and they say they don't. You can't try to change their mind, so politely decline the offer to further anything between you two. No need in wasting anyone's time or putting yourself in a position to end up disappointed. But be honest...say what you want and mean what you say. If you say you want a friend, don't try to sleep with that person who claims they want it to. (That's not friendship!)  If you say you want a relationship, then act like it! (That wishy washy stuff is NOT cute!)

What do you guys think?

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