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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ALBUM REVIEW: Chris Brown - "Graffiti"

So today Chris Brown released his third LP "Graffiti" and as big of a fan as I am of Chris, I am honestly disappointed. After being so hyped and going as far as to pre-order the album I was shocked when I was anticipating it's end!

I was reading reviews all day and people were slamming him about the slow tracks where he was "whining" and asking for forgiveness but went to praise him about his uptempo songs saying they would be great in the clubs. I beg to differ! The ballads and mid-tempos were actually the only appealing tracks. It seemed like Chris was doing too much this time around. Most of his uptempo tracks were kinda "Forever" but in a bad way....

But lets get into it. The stand out tracks that I actually did enjoy included "Lucky Girl" where he makes alot references to his relationship with Rihanna. Some subtle, some quite direct. Outside of the song giving you insight on alot of the allegations that were made in regards to the situation, it's actually just a pretty hot track!

"Lucky Me" and  "Fallin Down" are also great tracks. They show a more sensitive and vulnerable side of Chris. They are really personal tracks and show Chris' vocal maturity. That is actually one thing I will say I enjoyed about this album. You see just how much growth there is vocally between this album and the last album "Exclusive".

Now...lets REALLY get to it. This song "What I Do"....What?! It's horrible. I hate it. And "Pass Out" with that girl Eva Simons. Now am I the only one who noticed that he ran out and did a track with the chick everyone says Rihanna rips off? If I ever heard either one of these songs at a party or in a club I'd be the first person out the door.

Overall, I think Chris really missed the mark with this album. Compared to his previous work, this album was just too all over the place! I'm still a fan though! I support him and I wish him the best but this album didn't do it for me!

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