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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Such a random turn of events......

These last two weeks have been...a roller coaster to say the least! One minute things are amazing and almost instantly they turn to shit. I know this week was Thanksgiving and you're supposed to reflect on what you're most thankful for, but I truly found myself asking "Why?". I try to live life as optimistic and positive as possible. I'm always the one trying to resolve conflicts and make things happy for everyone else and I keep getting slapped in the face with drama. So why? Why do these things continue to happen to me?

Let's recap, shall we?
I finally start to let go of things in that past that have stopped me from trusting and dating. I start to find my way back to love and what happens to that? It's snatched away from me! The relationship I was putting so much work into just vanishes. Why? What did I do to lose that?

I take the high road and start rebuilding relationships with family members that I haven't spoken to much due to petty stuff, things are going great and everyone is happy. What happens next? BOTH my parents end up in the hospital with the damn swine flu and I have to watch them suffer to fight off this thing. Why? What did THEY do to deserve this??

Now I find out one of my friends has been in a car accident. Apparently a minor one, but still!
It's truly one thing after another and it's driving me nuts!

Now this is all happening around the holiday's. The time when you are supposed to be happy! In love, comfortable and spending time building amazing memories with the ones who you care about. I don't have that. My family doesn't have that. It sucks and I'm so angry about it!

But on the flip side, I am forever grateful that I've been blessed enough to be surrounded by great friends and family who always look out for me and make sure I'm alright. They help  me deal with life's day to day events and push me towards positivity and I love them for that. I think that's why I was bummed about Thanksgiving. That's the day I look forward to most because you really are able to reflect on how these people affect you. I mean if you ask any of them, I let them know how much I love and appreciate them on a pretty regular basis. Even for minor things, it's important for them to know how much they mean to me because CLEARLY, you can have them one day and  the next they can be gone. I'm not talking death. But  in terms of them just not being there. My parents are NOT in their room right now...i take that for granted. Tiff could NOT be right around the corner for me to drop by unannounced whenever I need to hide from life. Things like that are so important and should be cherished...I don't know.

Since I no longer have any idea where I was going with this, I'll stop! I think I just needed to vent!

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