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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mending A Wounded Heart......

A short while ago, I found myself just kinda wondering why it's so hard for people to allow another individual in. Why is it such a fight for people to believe that someone could actually be interested in knowing them and enjoy spending time with them etc. A quote that someone once said to me came to mind. "Sometimes people build walls not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down". Then it kinda clicked....kinda.

I can understand that some people just go through so much that emotionally they are incapable of growing attached to other people because they don't want to be hurt. They don't want to deal with the pain of being disappointed by yet another individual who claimed they'd be there. I get that. But my question is, being on the receiving end of that how do you go about knocking those walls down? How do you say to them in a way that it'll be mean something "LOOK! I'm not them! I'm not the ones that hurt you....don't punish me for that! Don't push me away...allow me to be the person you never have to worry about hurting or betraying you. Give me a chance...let me love you like you deserve to be loved". It sounds like the perfect way of saying it, right? You would think so, but if you'd been through so much that you had developed insecurities and trust issues at the hands of several different individuals, wouldn't that all sound like bullshit?
So what do you do? How do you show them? How do you prove yourself? I can't stop asking myself that question. How do I prove myself worthy of a mere sounds kinda pathetic when you think about it, but I think it's one of those things when you know that you've worked so hard to try to gain progress in someones life, you gotta find ways to make sure your work pays off.

I read in a book once that when a man finds someone male/female (whichever your preference fellas!) that they want to build a future with, they know immediately. Even it doesn't reach a surface level as soon as it happens, subconsciously they know. With that being said, the book went on to say if the man has previously stated that he wasn't ready for a relationship, once he finds that person, he will make himself ready. It leads one to wonder "Are you THAT guarded or do you just not see a future with me?"

It becomes a complicated situation when you have one person so ready and willing to give love and another who has love to give but has such a tarnished past that they are hesitant to share it.
How do you help the person you want to share your future with get over whatever it is that holding them back from you???

1 comment:

  1. I really loved this post baby! keep it up.

    Sometimes people are hiding things too which is why they build walls so the truth will not have to be disclosed.
