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Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm Not Gay Anymore....Thank God!!!

 I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine this morning and we were discussing a former classmate who claims to have been "cured" of his homosexuality by God. Now this topic has been argued before time and time again but I never really paid it any attention until I was talking about it today. And I'm well aware that I'm about to piss off some people but oh are more than welcome to click that "X" in the upper right hand corner.

Now the only reason this topic is even relevent to me is because I've dated guys who have either claimed God saved them after we stopped dating or blamed me because once I came into the picture, I "corrupted" them! I don't know how I feel about either claims. Like was dealing with me so difficult that you thought it'd be easier to get some pussy?

I will admit, the guy who I corrupted...I did it on purpose. Lol. He told me he was bisexual before but God had helped him rid himself of those  "demons", and for years he fought me but one day he finally stepped out of denial and we ended up dating.

My question however is, are you really serious? I'm sorry but I just don't believe in it. But let me clarify, I am in no way trying to challenge or doubt the power of God. I have my own personal faith and relationship with my creator and it's very strong but as far as I'm concerned, God made you the way he intended for you to be. Do NOT question his judgement and decisions. You're own personal issues with your sexuality is just that. Don't say God doesn't want you to be gay or he doesn't love you if you are a homosexual. That just feeds into the horrible discrimination that the gay community has faced forever and in my opinion, it gives God a bad name. Don't do that because you are uncomfortable with what you see as a "demon".

Which leads me to question those people who say God "cured" them. Now the guys I dated who dealt with this situation, have both gone on to dating men were they cured? Or was it their own personal self will that helped them supress their attraction and prevent them from acting on their temptations and impulses? I'm gonna say that was it.

What do you guys think?


  1. Seems like they just say cured to please the folks around them so they dont feel like they have to be demoralized or subjected to constant torture. You gotta grow up one day and realize..ITS YOUR LIFE! LIVE IT FOR YOU! most of them do not get that.

  2. I think it stems from the church. The church preaches hatered towards homosexuals and that's why so many hate themselves. They're trying to "be right" in the eyes of GOD. I was one of those guys. I was allowing others to dictate what I should be and how I should be so I was delivered. Went as far as dating and becoming engaged to a beautiful woman, but reality set in and I couldn't live a lie and hurt an innocent human being for my own selfish reasons.
    I was told GOD hates homosexuals by a few church goers (including my own mother). But thank GOD I have a mind of my own and I know for a fact that is utter foolishness. I hope these guys get it together and anyone else who's dealing with this type of situation. There are men and young boys killing themselves over this and the reality is GOD LOVES US just where we are.

  3. Man-oh-man, this is really old now! I can't do the debates about this type of stuff anymore because in essence your debating NOT the person who claims "deliverance" but the entire church establishment and any other anti-homophobic in our society and their belief systems. At the end of the day I am only one person and life is way to short to battle with people, old fashion ideology about MY DAMN TRUTH! As for dude blaming you (referring to Silentstorm) for "corrupting" him - now that's laughable. Dude, at least be man enough to take responsibility for what you do, did or done. I recently had to cut a long time friend off (10+ years) for this very reason. I just can't digest the BS anymore! I'm sick of it!
